Onboarding Wizard Menu

We've put together these quick-start wizards to help you dive in and make the most of your FG Funnels® account. Choose from the menu above or below to get started.

Let us get your first domain installed complimentary, on us! We'll also show you how to do it yourself, if you're a domain hoarder and want to bring more addresses in.

You have three options to power your email! Check out this wizard to understand your options, get setup, and start sending emails for $$ to your customers!

You want to build a funnel, we get it. No problem. This wizard is a quick "how to" so you can get in and start building.

If you're ready to move everything - contacts to courses - into FG Funnels® and just want to know where to start and what order to do it in, this is the wizard for you.

Ready to wrangle your calendar? We'll get you setup with a personal calendar that's fully customizable and will save you so much time booking calls and meetings.

Need to setup a school or membership site? Perhaps you're launching digital products or courses. This will take you through the initial setup of the FG Funnels® membership area.

Looking for some AI assistance with creating copy or images for business? This wizard will walk you through where and how you can use Content AI to generate text and images in FG Funnels®.

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Funnel Gorgeous, LLC.

For Support Issues or Questions, Please Email Us at [email protected]